Monday, 7 July 2014

2014 vs 2010

maybe there isn't a big different with the work but you can tell a lot of time as passed since I started. I not new news if you have been following the process but these are a couple of things i wanted to point out, since i needed to update this blog.


Important updates 
  • I don't really like blogging, I rather just update and disappear like a Phantom
  • #BlackSuitMen Volume 1 1-7 chapter HD remake coming soon, Webcomic is free to view but no new content will be in it. like 
  1. slightly updated art style, 
  2. Fix grammar and uncensored 
  3. special effects  
  4. revamped speech bubble word pathing for those easily confused or new to Manga and western comics 
  5. N.D.A. of  Japanese reading direction so  don't hold you breath  
  • a raito Noburu ( Light novel) pilot project
Since i have these Paypal and I have not seen any funds come in since that day i made that account i've gotta make another way to support my business, so please like the Black Suit Men on facebook     or read  the free verison at the site where they want to to registered "oh god what assholes" I know,  
if you are still unsure then go to this abandon hole full of fanfiction

Or read the #TwoBestfriends play manga/Comic

so think that's all


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