Saturday, 1 October 2011

Summer 011

I'm working on some manga concepts for a Graphic novel I call Summer 011, based off the players in  a game called "Chalk N Talk" developed by Gamevil an app for the apple Ipad/Ipod/Iphone. I decided to use their username to create a manga concept. The names of the Characters are based off the people but do not reflect the people  in general

there isn't a color  version yet because I'm just too busy to do it. I have no concert story but it has to do about fighting for the top. Unlike Black Suit men I have doubts that this story would be able to be westernized convertible ( Adaption). I say this because this is more fantasy like and fighting for rankings with magical weapons doesn't seem to be a western favorite genre but its plot can be easily converted. I wanted to make a game out of it too where " You can never miss a beat with the super moves and if you do pressing a combination of buttons in a displayed order you are able to continue the super move even if its dodged" I would say more but do not want the ideals stole by some passerby.

Characters  (names)
the whole idea is still a work in progress not much can be reviled yet and or is being made up  
more  summer 011 concepts @
  Thank you for reading

Kaos gif 2008
updated 2011 version



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